Often times when a couple gets married they stop showing
each other little displays of affection, like they would have while dating,
courting, or during engagement. It is important for couple to continue to show
small affection and one on one time together throughout their entire marriage.
In John Gottman’s book, The Seven
Principles for Making Marriage Work, he describes the ‘magic 5 hours’ that
each couple should be spending together each week in order to maintain kindness,
togetherness, and love, in their relationship after marriage. The areas he
touches on are Partings, Reunions, Admiration, Affection, and Weekly Dates.
Partings are the moments when one spouse or the other leaves the home in the
morning, either for work or school or some other activity, he believes that the
couple, rather than a rushed kiss while running out the door, should spend 2
minutes saying their goodbyes and giving their goodbye kiss before the one
leaves, 5 days a week. With reunions he believes that when this spouse then
returns home in the evening that the couples should spend 20 minutes discussing
how their days went and again hugging, kissing, and saying hello. Admiration is
just that, tell your spouse at least 5 minutes every day what different things
you love and admire about them, and all the reasons why you are grateful for
them. Also, everyday spend 5 minutes with your spouse sharing affection, hugs,
kisses, telling them you love them, they look beautiful, etc. And last, make
sure you set aside 2 hours every week to go on a date, just the two of you. So
at the end of the week your time together, sharing small acts of love and
affection, will total 5 hours as shown below:
Partings: 2 minutes x 5 days = 10 minutes
Reunions: 20 minutes x 5 days = 100 minutes
Admiration: 5 minutes x 7 days = 35 minutes
Affection: 5 minutes x 7 days = 35 minutes
Weekly Date: 2 hours x 1 day = 120 minutes
Week Total = 300 minutes or 5 hours!
Reunions: 20 minutes x 5 days = 100 minutes
Admiration: 5 minutes x 7 days = 35 minutes
Affection: 5 minutes x 7 days = 35 minutes
Weekly Date: 2 hours x 1 day = 120 minutes
Week Total = 300 minutes or 5 hours!
As you continue spending time together, talking with one
another, and sharing love, admiration and affection for one another you will
have a stronger marriage and will find more comfort and joy in that marriage.
So don’t forget to share the magic 5 hours with your spouse!
I seriously thought in the break down you wrote fartings: 2 minutes x 5 days. I thought to myself, done and done. Good insights for all people married or on that pathway to marriage!